
STL TreeLC Home

We are a volunteer group dedicated to making STL a better place by reducing tree mortality and improving the overall health of our canopy.

Thank you for caring about the canopy!

Welcome back!

Water My Trees
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Welcome to STL TreeLC

We are a volunteer group dedicated the TLC of our city's tree canopy. We rely on both partner groups and individual volunteers to fill the gaps in tree care, with a focus on organizing neighborhood volunteers to help care for their City trees. Trees planted in the city have a high risk of dying in their first 3 years - watering is critical.

This tool was created to track watering needs and easily connect volunteers with trees near them in need. In the following steps, you will select trees to adopt, see your total watering commitment, and sign up for an account to track your efforts and receive automated watering reminders.

Thank you for caring about the canopy!

Already a volunteer?

First Time Tree Check

Your tree may have been planted improperly or need more/less mulch. Checking for and, if needed, fixing these issues can prevent deadly trunk rot and girdling roots and help the tree retain more moisture during dry spells.

Would you like to take a few minutes to identify and correct any problems?

Yes - Planting Check
No - Watering Instructions

Planting Check

We are a volunteer group dedicated to making STL a better place by reducing tree mortality and improving the overall health of our canopy. We rely on both partner groups and individual volunteers to fill the gaps in tree care, with a focus on organizing neighborhood volunteers to help care for their City trees. Trees planted in the city have a high risk of dying in their first 3 years - watering is critical.

Year One

If present, remove the following:

  1. All tags, labels, and strings anywhere on tree.
  2. Any twine, burlap, or other material on top of roots/around trunk. Avoid damaging/moving root ball.
  3. All excess soil on top of/above the root flare. Be gentle when digging to minimize damage to roots.

Every Year

Check mulch volume and placement

A 2 to 3 foot wide, 3 inch deep doughnut of wood mulch is ideal. Be sure to leave/create a small gap near the trunk!

Watering Instructions

Why is summer watering important?

Water Stress:

Watering Tools

Key Watering Tips


Account Signin

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My Profile

Personal information only visible to STLTreeLC administrators.
First name is required.
Last name is required.
Address is required.
Not a valid 5-digit zip code.
Not a valid 10-digit U.S. phone number.
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(If neither is checked, messages will only be displayed here.)


Unadopt a Tree

Are you sure you want to unadopt this tree?
Yes, Unadopt   No